
Everytime I get stuck, I get frustrated.
I went out to dinner last night - tried not to feel guilty for eating out. We had East Indian - a veggie dish, lentels & chicken dish. I had a small bit of Nan bread too (couldn't resist the Nan bread)
I walked about 5km at lunch (1 hour 10 min walk) and after dinner I figure we walked about 7km (1 hr 30 min walk).
I'm just so anxious to get back to "being me" NOW! that it is frustrating to be "stuck" at 211
Just 12lbs and I'll be 199lbs - then I start to be at the edge of looking like, and feeling like "me" in my own body.
The longer I'm stuck over 200, the more frustrated I become with my wordrobe too. I don't want to buy any clothes, however, I don't have any good pants that fit, and I'm down to 3 skirts for work. I have 2 skorts for the weekend - but they are becoming too big as well.
The next size wordrobe does not fit for 12lbs.
So I'm stuck in more ways then one. I'm probably going to have to buy pants for work as I need pants next week to conduct Health & Safety Inspections.
Oh well
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