Being Me Now

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be". Douglas Adams

Monday, September 25, 2006

Out of Control

I'm not feeling in control this week - I'm up to 191lbs - That's not good

I did a lot of walking on Saturday - walked probably 8km - my legs felt like Jelly afterwords

We then went to Swish Challet for dinner - and I ate all my dinner [probably should have only had 50% of it]

Yesterday we cleaned the house (I did the basement) I had yogurt for breakfast, chilli for lunch and Soup with Pork Roast and veggie's for dinner. I probably should have not had the pork or not had the soup - as that again was too many calories

So here I am less then a week before the wedding and 191lbs - I have let myself down. I should have an "8" in my weight not a "9" - and the only one I can blame is me.


Friday, September 22, 2006


We are almost there - 1 week to go until the wedding

Today the scales said 190 to 190.5 lbs - Frustrated I thought I would be 188 by today at the most - I wanted to be in the 180's for the wedding - but I seem to be stuck again. I have not been doing my lunch walking and that has made a big difference. It's started off sunny in the morning, and by lunch time it's been raining - not really good for a walk in work clothes over lunch - kinda need to be dry in the office in the afternoon! Probably soon time to motivate myself to go to the gym over lunch and do my 20 minute work out (by the time I get there, change, exercise, shower, change and go back to work I've got about 20 minutes on a machine - sometimes I can stretch it to 25 minutes if the traffic was light on the way to the gym).

Hope everybody has a great Friday


Thursday, September 21, 2006


Today the scales said 190 lbs

I didn't end up posting a picture this week - I got discouraged when I only lost 1/2 a pound since last week - so I didn't bother.

Yesterday my co-workers had a surprise wedding shower for me after work - That was a lovely surprise - I didn't expect is (as they have all been invited to the wedding) - It was a nice evening at a Wild Wing - Got some great kitchen gagets and a cook book too!

I haven't been going out for my walks - it's been raining every single day - and with the wedding coming up (Vacation time off) I'm trying to catch up with current work before I leave and have everything organized in my office. 4 more working days to vacation!

Hope everybody is having a great Thursday


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tuesday September 19 2006

Happy Tuesday everybody

Today the scales said 190.5 lbs

I'm having a more difficult time with food again. Yesterday they brought in Pizza for lunch - and though I had packed a lunch, I ate the Pizza instead - it's becoming too frequent that I'm giving in again. I have to start saying "no" or I'll gain weight! I'm so close to my goal, this is not the time for me to start giving in to temptation. White bread over the weekend, too much corn (corn is basically a white startch that goes straight to your hips unlike other vegetables), pizza, cheeses - they all have to go go go!!

Anyhow that's my rant for the morning

I hope everybody has a great Tuesday



Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday Monday

Welcome to Monday

Today the scales went back and forth between 190.5 and 191 lbs

I probably gained a bit with this weekend eating (white bread, corn on the cob being the two culprits)

Chris had his batchelor party this weekend - and it was quit the party!

I was out of town with another wedding dress fitting - it's looking good!

We are busy with the last stages of planning for the wedding (not much to do - just the little stuff)

I got out walking on Friday night - but Saturday and Sunday were busy with other activities and didn't get there - now we are back into rain!

Oh well - I just have to watch what I eat this week!

Hope everybody had a fantastic weekend and enjoy's this new work week


Friday, September 15, 2006

It's Friday!

Hello Everyone the scales said 190.5 lbs this morning

I've now lost 44 pounds exactly since May 3rd!

Last night chris and I walked 9 km on a "Geocache" search. This is where people have hidden "treasures" on hiking trails and left the longitude and latidute coordinates. We have a hand held GPS system where we put in the coordinates and go hiking looking for them. Very cool idea - this is our first search and we are having fun - good exercise too!

I hope everybody has a great weekend


Thursday, September 14, 2006


Welcome to Thursday

Today the scales were 191 lbs

Yesterday was a whirl wind day of activity at work! Lots going on! Same for today. We don't seem to have a slow time any more. Traditionally "Summer" and over Christmas was the time of year to catch up at work - not any more - we go full steam ahead all year long!

I hope everybody has a great Thursday!


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

chart down to 191 lbs lost 43.5 pounds to date

Wednesday Picture weigh in

Hello Everybody

The scales said 191 lbs this morning!

Only 2 1/2 weeks to the wedding day!

This week has been a bit more challenging. I was out for lunch Monday, and Tuesday and had dinner out on Monday night. Tuesday the only choice was pizza - it was my first slice of pizza since April!

Still the scales are going down, and I'm mindful that I can only eat pizza on occassion - so I don't get back into the once a week habit! But it did taste very good!

I hope everybody has a great Wednesday.


Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday September 11th

Hello All

The scales said 191.5 lbs this morning

Was a busy weekend - got my hair dyed on Saturday morning, we drove 3 hours to Sudbury in the afternoon for Julie's wedding shower, then drove back that night. Yesterday was another whirl wind wedding planning day - but we are so close to having everything ready it's great.

Today is a busy day at work - I have a working lunch so I won't get to walk. Tonight I"m going to the Toronto International Film Festival - I think we are seeing the film "Bonneville" at 9:30 Roy Thompson Hall.

Hope everybody has a great day!



Friday, September 08, 2006


Today the scales said 192.5lbs

It is friday (which means I go to work for 7:30am) - so I'll keep this short!

Yesterday I went on my 5km walk.

Today is staff appreciation day at work - they feed us lunch - do games etc... should be fun!

Hope everybody has a great Friday



Thursday, September 07, 2006


Hello Everybody

Today my weight was 192.5 pounds - I've lost 42 pounds since May 3rd from 234.5 down to 192.5 pounds.

I'm feeling good about the weight - I've started wearing my old woredrobe which is amazing! My goal is another 22.5 lbs (get down to 170lbs). At 170 pounds my BMI is 26.6 which is "margernally overweight". At 5 foot 7 inches tall I am 67 inches (one foot equals 12 inches).

So I'm doing well on my way to my goal - Another 22.5 to go and then I'm good to level off. I've lowered my risk of heart deseases, etc...

Every day is better and better and better



Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Wednesday Weigh in 193lbs

Hello All

Today the scales said 193lbs.

Going back down again.

Yesterday I didn't get for my walk, I conducted interviews all day - today it's raining - hope for tomorrow!

Enjoy your Wednesday



Monday, September 04, 2006

Labour Day Monday

Hello All

Today the scale said 193lbs

Yesterday we went out shopping for over 6 hours - we got a lot accomplish

I like the feeling that there is not much left to do until the wedding - just a few small things (like making a sign for the gift table, making signs to reseve parking out front for the bride & groom - reserve table signs and gravel to hold the flowers in the vases) The small things we can slowly get done without much pressure. Which is good!

Today it is still raining. It's going to be a sleepy, stay at home (and read) day.

Hope everybody has a great long weekend



Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday - Being Me Now

Well It's Sunday and the scales said 193.5lbs this morning

I started this blog back in May to help me track my weight loss. Everyday I get up, weigh myself and post the weight on the blog for the entire world to see. I think that society (especially for women) have this weird taboo on what people weigh. If you are too high, or too low is something "shameful" (especially if you are too high - the media doesn't recognise too low unless your on deaths doorstep)

Why do people hide their weight? their age? these are general statistics about who we are as people. What is in the collective psychic that say's "keep things private".

For example, I have had anxiety attacks and times of depression. As I've gone through those times I have discovered a have a family history for a few generations that have had these same issues which I find interesting, and very helpful to know (the I'm not alone syndrome). Right now I'm happy, upbeat, no depression in site, but as it's chemical for me, I know it can pop up again, and I know what to do when it does. The anxiety attacks are always around in one form or another - and that's okay. They are mild currently, and are on one topic of conversation that loops through my head (what is death, what happens when I die, what if I don't exist when I die, where was "I" before I was born - fear of death, fear of blinking out of existance when my body dies, more terror attacks then anxiety attacks - overwhelming fear of what happens to "me" when I die and the desire to figure out the question, or will a very positive answer into my conciousness while I'm alive - then I wonder if I am making up a happy ending to delude myself because of the fear - smile - it's an endless loop!) - I have that panic attack almost every night as I fall to sleep - but I've had that for years now (since 1985), so I have techniques to get through it night after night, how to refocus my mind so it does not overwhelm me. On occassion it does.

Back to my main point.... stating my weight, talking about depression, panick attacks openly, honestly as if I was talking about the weather, seems to be something unusual. Now I'm not sitting down in every conversation having heavily loaded, deep conversations that have people running as I walk in the door (Oh my god, here she comes and she's going to tell us her troubles again - lets duck out on her now) - there are people that do that - every time you see them there is a drama to tell, a sad story, a concern - I'm talking about the occassional conversation (two to three times a year) where I start talking about real life issues, feelings, emotions, and notice the reaction of particular people who just don't think it is poliet or appropriate to speak these things out loud - that it's best kept inside. The proper way to communicate.

What is it that makes subjects taboo? That makes expressing something that a large group of people also experience an uncomfortable moment? Interesting?

Here's a thought, if your reading this, did you get uncomfortable with the topics I typed? Too much information? If so, why was that?

Anyhow that's my ramble today


Saturday, September 02, 2006


This morning the scales said 194lbs

Today I drove to Peterborough for the wedding dress fitting. It went very well. I also shopped for the accessory jewllery.

I had a good day, Mom and Lisa joined me as we did wedding stuff. Then Dad Mom and I went out to dinner before I drove 2 hours back home.

I'm glad the dress fits and even needs to be taken in!!

I am looking forward to the wedding day. I see it as a big celebration, a party with friends and family. I'm not really attached to the wedding "stuff" - just the celebration part! I'm fairly realistic in knowing it's only one day - that on Sunday I will wake up and everything will be the same. I've watched some of those bridal shows on TV where the Bride dreamily describes the wedding as a turning point in life, that some magical fairy dust will create this wonderful life and all will be different once married. I love Chris very much, and I am already happy. I expect life's journey will have some bumps in the road we will work through. I know that marriage is a partnership - and the only one responsible for "changing my life" is me. (sorry no knight in shining armour syndrome here - though Chris would be cute in armour - but probably would scratch the furnature - smile). For me the wedding is a celebration of what we've already built and a great excuse to share time with friends and family who don't get in the same room very often to have some fun!


Friday, September 01, 2006


Hello All

This morning the scales said 194lbs - officially I've lost 40.5 pounds since May 3rd.

This weekend it's going to rain. I'm having the first wedding dress fitting on Saturday.

The rest of the weekend is reading for my correspondance course on Asset Management of Pension plans (exciting!) - NOT

I'll also be running around with some wedding details, such as buy a candle holder for the lighting of candle part of ceremony, vases for our decorations, gravel to hold the flowers in the vases (fake flowers), I need earrings and a couple of presents.

I hope everybody has a great long weekend
